To contact the board, please use a phone number or email
address below. A board member will respond as soon as possible. We have a
beautiful neighborhood and much of that is because of the residents and the work
of the Board. Your help is needed and we encourage you to contact any Board member to
offer a couple hours of your time.
Jay Carlson
Term 6/26/2022-6/30/2025
The President of the Association presides at all meetings of the Board and at all meetings of members of the Association. The President has general executive supervision over the business and affairs of the Association. The President also communicates with title companies when a home sells, and communicates with Waste Management to discuss any issues with trash and recycling collection.
Vice President
Tom Beckenbaugh
Term 8/25/2024 through summer 2027
The Vice President performs the duties of the President whenever the President is unable to act and performs other duties as determined by the Board.
Tammy Shepherd
Term 8/25/2024 through summer 2027
The Treasurer maintains financial records for the Association, coordinates the annual budget process, coordinates the mailing of annual dues statements, and receives and is in charge of all money, bills, notes and similar property belonging to the Association.
Pam Baur
Term 6/26/2022-6/30/2025
The Secretary maintains permanent records of the Association, and coordinates communications with residents such as issuing notices of meetings of the Board and notices of meetings with members of the Association.